Question: 1 / 105

When should muffins be stickered after baking?

Immediately after baking

As soon as they are pulled out of the pan

Muffins should be stickered as soon as they are pulled out of the pan. This practice is important for ensuring that the product is properly labeled while it is still fresh and warm, which helps with maintaining product quality and safety. Sticker placement at this stage allows for accurate tracking of the time the muffins were baked, assisting in inventory management and compliance with food safety regulations. It also helps to ensure that any appropriate handling instructions are immediately attached for staff and customers. Timely sticker application can help prevent mix-ups and ensure that the muffins are served at their best quality. Similarly, sticker application before placing in the oven or after they cool could lead to inaccurate labeling regarding freshness and potential food safety issues.

After they cool down

Before placing in the oven


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